Health & Safety

Securing a site and ensuring the safety of our experienced operators is of paramount importance to us. It’s through carrying out safety checks on a regular basis, and only employing professional, fully qualified and insured tree surgeons, that we know we can give the best possible service to our customers.

We have a thorough and conscientious approach to our work and for this reason, we have had no incidences of injury to date.

Cotefield Treecare adheres strictly to all regulations and legislation that applies to our industry, including:

  • LOLER (1998): Lifting operation and lifting equipment regulations
  • MHSWR (1999): Management of health and safety at work regulation
  • PUWER (1998): Provision and use of work equipment regulation
  • WAHR (2005): Work at height regulation

We ensure that all our works are properly planned and organised. All operators on site are trained and qualified to be working on the particular job they are on.

We assess all risks and ensure that the appropriate methods and equipment are then selected and used. Furthermore, we inspect all our equipment on a daily basis so any issues can be detected quickly and safely, being resolved before we come on site.